After The Positive Cases In White House, Fauci and Pence Decided To Self-Quarantine

There is surprising news that now the staff of White House is tested positive, and they are one of the closest staff of the President, Vice President, and coronavirus task-force representative Dr. Anthony Fauci.
After all this, Fauci decided not to go to the Senate in person going to hold on Tuesday.
Fauci first vow to appear in the Senate in person after the positive staffer appeared in the White House, he changed his mind then decided to appear in the Senate through videoconferencing.
Sources say that “Fauci … will appear by videoconference,” Fauci also said that he would follow the quarantine regimen to wear a mask as well as keep social distancing while answering the Senators regarding the current situation of a pandemic.
Fauci also admitted having a low contact or, as he mentioned, “low risk” with Katie Miller, Vice President’s spokeswoman who, on Friday, tested confirmed with coronavirus.
Dr. Fauci, whose all reports till yet are negative for the deadly virus, says that he will from now work mostly from home for next weeks and only will go to the National Institutes for Health only if he is working there alone.
Moreover, the top officials of the Food & Drug Administration and CDC decided to keep low-risk contact with the spokeswoman Katie Miller and decided to work from home mostly.
Stephen Miller, an aide of White House and husband of Katie Miller, will keep out from the White House till his reports come.
Moreover, President Trump’s valet, a military officer, has also shown positive reports for the COVID-19.
Vice President Pence on Sunday decided to stay home and self-isolate. However, on Friday, Vice President said that he would go to Iowa even after hearing the positive reports of Katie Miller’s COVID-19 status.
Read More: CDC Guidelines For Re-opening The Nation Buried By The Trump Administration Officials