Amazon has restricted the sale of surgical gloves and N-95 face masks to the public

Amazon confirmed that they are selling these high in demand medical supplies now only to the hospitals and other government agencies
Amazon the biggest online shopping portal has stopped the sale of antibacterial wipes, surgical masks, gloves and other highly demanded health care items to the public. The company said it will only sell these healthcare items to health and government officials amidst this Coronavirus pandemic.
Listing of some Clorox disinfecting wipes is now restricted on Amazon’s website. The listing of small disposable masks, sanitizers, and wipes meant for personal use are still in the listings and are available for the shoppers. The company will continue evaluating the restricted list in this pandemic situation.
Supply of sanitizers, masks, and gloves have been limited for weeks now because the public has stocked up on these items. Nursed and Doctors are alarming as they are running out of basic health equipment and are afraid of a surge in the number of Coronavirus patients.
Amazon said that the company is hoping to raise the strain by only selling the items exclusively to health care providers and government officials. This week the company added a note of many listing including items like face shields, surgical gowns, and thermometers saying “Available only for hospitals and government agencies directly responding to COVID-19.” The diagnostic kits COVID-19 are also restricted. The company explained on a webpage that the company won’t be working for profits on sale on these COVID-19 supplies.
On a separate website page, the company described the change to merchants of Amazon sellers providing the restricted items list includes “high-demand medical products like N95 masks, surgical masks, facial shields, surgical gowns, surgical gloves, and large-volume sanitizers.”
Amazon is making many sweeping changes in the logistic network in this health emergency condition. The company is restricting the shipments in warehouses to be able to focus only on the needed products like hand sanitizers, baby formula and also prioritizing the delivery of the urgent items to customers. These changes made have helped to respond properly to the spike in orders by customers because million of shoppers are staying at home currently in this pandemic and deliveries are slower than before, the high demands of paper towels, toilet papers run out of stock most of the times.
On Thursday Amazon said, the company had put a handful of new safety and health measures in work to protect the workers working in the warehouse during the times of crisis. Amazon is providing face masks to all the employees working in the warehouse and constantly checking temperatures. The company said that N95 masks will either be sold or donated to health care workers and government officials through the Amazon business.
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