Gov. Newsom Announces Rules To Reopen Malls And Restaurants Of California

Shopping malls and restaurants in California are soon going to reopen by following the general standard guidelines and rules of testing. These measures will reduce the number of coronavirus cases. All the businesses have to keep careful of the social distancing and should have to follow the proper cleaning routine so that spreadly of deadly virus won’t flourish, says the California Governor Gavin Newsom on Tuesday.
Gov. Newsom, after the two months of stay-at-home orders, issued that the restaurants in the counties can be reopened to provide the dine-in facilities that are certified and meet the state guidelines for a pandemic. Governor clearly said that the business and all others should strictly implement the guidelines against the coronavirus.
Strip Malls and outlet malls are allowed to reopen as shopping centers with the stores which are certified to contain coronavirus. Pet groomers and car washing services also reopened by following the proper cleaning regimen for coronavirus.
On Tuesday Newsom said, “As we begin these modifications — and we already have reopened 70-plus percent of the economy — as we begin to modify with these dine-in opportunities, let’s make sure we do so cognizant not only of our own health but the health of our most vulnerable and those are our seniors,”
He also said if the firms who do not follow and implement the safety guidelines while reopening their businesses are not allowed to operate in counties.
He said, “None of this means anything if customers don’t feel safe.”
Reopening rules consist of implementing risk assessment and creating virus safety plans that train the employees to lower the spread of the virus, using proper disinfectant protocols, maintain physical distance, and provide screening for all employees.
Gov. Newsom said, “There are some unique characteristics in some counties where they are hitting on all cylinders,” also added that other firms would also soon open in the counties.
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